From Glacsweb Wiki
these are the dig I/O and adc from the bitsy. We'll use them to control the power relays sio_write can control them adc_read can access the adc (this needs confirming under new build)
Not all the SmartI/Os can be used for A/D conversion. Only PortA (Col0-Col3 at J31 on the top board) can be configured as A/D input. UCB port might be used for A/D in the late BitsyX.(GZ)
PortA can be used as 4-channel A/D. Col0 --- Channel 0, Col1 -- Channel 1, ..., Col3 -- Channel 3. (GZ)
Pin4 of PortC (ROW4)is used to control the battery input relay on the power pcb. Pin5 of PortC is used by a 15KHz crystal of Bitsy system. (GZ)
All UCB_IO (UCB_IO0--UCB_IO9) are used to control the relays on the power pcb. (GZ)