Beaglebone Hardware Mod

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For our usage we don't want the beaglebone to be powered from USB as this will give a different behaviour when connected to a PC for debugging and when not.

This can be achieved temporarily through software however the setting in the chip resets on power cycling so isn't very helpful.

In order to achieve this the first attempt was to disconnect pin 12 of the TPS6521 as this is the USB power input for the main PSU. This did diable the USB port from powering the system, it however also had the side effect of also disablinh the serial console so this was re-instated.

The 2nd attempt is to remove the power conection from the USB client port and bridge it to the main 5v DC input. This proved sucessful on 'humerus' and so will probably be repeated on 'tibia' and 'ulna'.
