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The CC1180 is a Sub-GHz 6LoWPAN Network Processor from TI.

Things to investigate:

  • wake-up/sniff modes
  • antennas
  • collision avoidance/detection
  • matching antenna to ice/snow
  • range tests, packet loss tests

Technical Details:

  • +10dBm max output power
  • -112dBm receive sensitivity
  • 315/433/868/915 MHz ISM/SRD bands
  • Data rates up to 200kbps
  • Serial from MCU > CC1180
  • 36VQFN package
  • Reference PCBs use a 2-layer design.
  • Is a CC1110F32 pre-loaded with SensiNode Nanoboot. Runs Nanostack 2.0.
  • SoC Based on an MSP430 + CC1101
  • Datasheet: CC1180 Datasheet

Flashing CC1180:

  • Serial interface between MCU and CC1180 handles communications AND flash update
  • Debug interface is locked and can only be used to erase NanoBoot from CC1180 (this [b]WILL[/b] brick the module)
  • Flash is updated over serial connection in bootloader mode
  • Bootloader mode is toggled by bringing the "MODE" pin low and is indicated when "STATUS_0" & "STATUS_1" are both constantly high, or when MAC address can be read.