initial tests on z1 alone from er-rest-examples from contiki master tree
Patch needed: in platform/z1/contiki-conf.h change UIP_CONF_BUFFER_SIZE to 240
contiki/examples/er-rest-example$ make TARGET=z1 er-example-server.upload
to put the simple example on one node:
then run the usual rpl-border-router.
Load Copper add-in to Firefox
browse something like coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1290]:5683
press Discover: GET the hello as an example or POST the toggle to flip the led
Linux-side client
californium Java code - can be tested with a URL arg like:
java -jar cf-helloworld-client-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1290]:5683/test/hello
libcoap C code also works well:
coap-client -m get coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1290]:5683/test/hello coap-client -m post coap://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1290]:5683/actuators/toggle
TxThings python: works OK
test the GET example by editing the host IP and resource in the code
I needed to install Pydispatcher and Pylint (sudo pip install ...) and edit IP and port in the example client..
no luck so far though - with any contiki er- example there is some waiting for ACK confusion