Contiki on Sensinode
From Glacsweb Wiki
Setting up the remote console
This is to look at device events and log (like a terminal window through usb) (example done using OS X 10.6 but Linux should be the same)
- Download & install drivers for the FTD232R chip (a USB 2.0 to Serial UART Converter) built in to the sensinode
- NB Modern versions of linux don't require this - drivers install automatically.
- Download and install Minicom (a terminal emulation program)
- Plug in the Sensinode and see if it appears correctly:
ls -l /dev/tty.*
if you get something like
then you can set up minicom to use that port
sudo minicom -s /dev/tty.usbserial-A10047zL
if everything has worked, you will now see activity logs from the sensinode which look like this
unhandled event Button 1 pressed. ADC reading accelerators. Button 2 pressed. ADC reading voltage. checksum ok Network status received:no connection checksum ok
--Fb5v07 23:56, 19 November 2010 (GMT)