GW12 Probe Connectors

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This page lists all the connector descriptions of the probes deployed for 2012

GW12 MCU Programmer

  • 6-point 1.27mm pitch Connector on Top Layer

6-pin Debug Connector
Number Name Description
1 GND Ground Connection
2 Vcc Voltage after 3.3V Regulator
3 RESET MCU Reset, also joined to pushbutton reset
4 SWO Single-wire Debug Output
5 SWCLK Single-wire Debug Clock
6 SWDIO Single-wire Debug In/Out

GW12 Probe

  • 6-point picoflex connector for probe radio
  • 6-point picoflex connector for probe comms and power
  • 4-point molex strain gauge sensor connector
  • 6-point molex sensors

6-pin Picoflex Probe Radio
Number Name Description
1 GND Ground Connection
2 VDD_RADIO Voltage after 3.3V Regulator
3 RADIO_RESET Reset Radio Line
4 RADIO_TX Radio Module output, MCU Input
5 RADIO_RX Radio Module input, MCU Output
6 RADIO_WAKE_DIRECTION Radio Module line to wake radio up. Also called DTR. Radio awake = Low

6-pin Picoflex Probe Comms and Power
Number Name Description
1 GND Ground Connection
2 VDD Voltage after 3.3V Regulator
3 DEBUG_RX Low Energy UART MCU RX Line (LEU1_RX#1)
4 DEBUG_TX Low Energy UART MCU TX Line (LEU1_TX#1)
5 ADC_CH5 ADC Channel 5 Input
6 ADC_CH7 ADC Channel 7 Input

Seismic Surface Node

  • USB
  • 4-point JST connector for RS485 and Power-out

4-pin JST for Comms and Power
Number Name Description
1 VOUT RS485 Voltage Out
2 BZ RS485 BZ Connection
3 AY RS485 AY Connection
4 GND Ground

Seismic Deep Node

  • 4-point JST connector for RS485 and Power-in
  • 6-point picoflex Radio connector
  • 6-point Molex Geophone Connector
  • 4-point pressure connector