Guide to linux programs
From Glacsweb Wiki
This info is for GW8 nodes
Test code
readeeprom id 0x20
Reads a byte in probe eeprom - this example returns the ID of the probe and confirms link is working
probestatus id
prints all the probe status - including batVolts
finds any probes in a certain (precompiled) id range - buggy at the moment!
probereadallthesensors id
designed to test all the sensors - shows live readings - only for setup (can hang on radio links)
Essential code
probeclock id [s,g]
sets the clock on the probe (s) or gets it (g)
probesleep id
Puts a probe into sleep mode (beware! alarm must be set properly - we should possibly warn?)
probesetalarm id sec min hour day
sets the alarm (wake up time) on a probe
The main way to read stored sensor readings from probes - must be 100% good! (in progress)
Python control programs gwstation -R -t means run main job in REF mode - and test mode (no shutdown)