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Base Stations

  • Buy Solar/wind generators
  • sense Power boards using base system
  • Decide ip scheme
  • Set up keys
  • Build Base Boards - sort out power/heat issues
  • ADC code for BatV and currents
  • eeprom code and ringbuffer


  • Check nat & iptables forwarding
  • Write Python!!


  • Chelck iptabes packet rewrite
  • Box - use IEC distro, and same PSU for amp and gum?
  • Configure Cisco
  • Test


  • Decide on weather station
  • Check Weather station code
  • Box
  • Calculate batts needed
  • Decide on external AP
  • Build Batt Box


  • Box
  • Calculate batts needed
  • Design kennel
  • Make kennel
  • Build Batt Box
  • design Geophone amps/filters
  • Build geophones


  • Power supply checks.

Results: the power supply for sensor, radio and msp430 can be controlled on/off respectively, all off current is 3.8-4uA, with uart on it increases to 264-267uA, still need: tests on all PCBs

  • Temperature sensor

Results: Read the temperature about 25 centigrade, and set the configuration of sensor NEEDS: to test adc to Celcius code

  • Tilt sensor.

Results: Read out its address 0x3A, and change the sensor's control registors NEEDS: calibration method, cal code, each probe's cal values (probably use calfile for all like before)

  • External EEPROM.

Results: Read/Write data ok NEEDS: debugging and testing over full 256kB range, ring buffer tests

  • Radio test.

Results: Tested it with help of the radiometrix development tool, transmit/receive are both fine when the radio turns on the current increases to 149.6mA, transmit increase to 172mA, receive about 152mA NEED: to test on battery pack - several TX packets to see if decoupling is OK

  • Network tests


      • 3 probe test
      • packet lost test - what happens when oen probe goes offline or a packet is lost?
      • setup IDs on all PCBs

  • Strain sensor

Results: signal changes when strain sensor deformed NEEDS: test in a real case, then calibration - DONE! NEEDS strain2N() for linux code

  • Conductivity sensor

Results: small signal gets amplified NEEDS ADC to ohms/mS code and probably calibration offset

  • Pressure sensor

NEEDS: to be tested and calibrated, possibly in water filled hole in Iceland! ADC to Pa conversion code

  • radio

NEEDS PCBs made, antennas made, matching circuits for trials in Iceland, ribbon on every probe

  • Code

NEEDS: completing and testing Build a two hops network with three nodes based on Contiki system, shell for base station control etc etc etc

Probe STATEs (AUTO mode = sensing regularly / MANUAL COMS mode = coms and responds to commands)



  • Sort out env firewall hole
  • Sort out taking SVN
  • Sort out mobile wifi


  • Build new camera assembly
  • Print & lamiate labels for boxes
  • Print Poster for Cafe and Holmur