RPM config

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pulling config low pops up config mode

we need these settings:

baud    38400 bps      (this makes getting data in/out faster)                                      
thruput max                                                 
unit    0             we don't use its addressing                                                  
site    0                                                   
flow    none          flow control                                               
serdly  2 (x10ms)     if buf full OR this timeout x 10ms between chars then it sends                                     
shdn    on            monitor the Wake pin (low=normal)
retry   5             number of autonomous retries (not used anyway)
ackmode off           don't let RPM ack
remote  off                                                                     
strtmsg off           prevent spurious chars on power-up

the syntax is not mentioned in their datasheet but this is what we do:

strtmsg off
thruput max
ackmode off

config (prints out config)

The above mode change has been performed on the following RPM1 modules