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Useful reading



For help setting up Code Composer to use SimpliciTI see [1]

  • Low power - proprietary network protocol
  • Low cost - uses < 8K FLASH, 1K RAM
  • Flexible - simple star and/or p2p Example Topology
  • Simple - uses very basic core API
  • Versatile - many different boards supported
  • Low power - supports sleeping devices

Network Devices

  • Access Point
    • Star hub in the network (1/net)
    • always-on
    • store and fwd for sleeping devices
  • Range Extender
    • always-on device
    • limited to 4/net
  • End Device
    • poll for data
    • API sequence (eg)
      • Init (and Join)
      • Link (assumes listen)
      • Sample Temp
      • Send
    • Option to sleep

End Devices

  • Two approaches to getting messages
    • Polls AP (Requires AP!)
    • Listens for activity then stays awake and looks for frames destined for it


  • Layers
    • MRFI ("Minimal RF Interface") 'Physical'
    • NWK 'Network'
    • Applications, customer and nwk
  • Network Support
    • init
    • ping
    • link/linklisten
    • nwk mgmt
    • send/receive
    • I/O


Supports initialization, linking (bi-directional by default), peer-to-peer messaging (SMPL_Send/Receive), configuration (SMPL_loctl)

smplStatus_t SMPL_Init(uint8_t (*)(linkID_t));
smplStatus_t SMPL_Link(linkID_t *);
smplStatus_t SMPL_LinkListen(linkID_t *);
smplStatus_t SMPL_Send(linkID_t lid, uint8_t *msg, uint8_t len);
smplStatus_t SMPL_SendOpt(linkID_t lid, uint8_t *msg, uint8_t len, txOpt_t);
smplStatus_t SMPL_Receive(linkID_t lid, uint8_t *msg, uint8_t *len);
smplStatus_t SMPL_Ioctl(ioctlObject_t, ioctlAction_t, void *);
smplStatus_t SMPL_Ping(linkID_t);
smplStatus_t SMPL_Unlink(linkID_t);
smplStatus_t SMPL_Commission(addr_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t, linkID_t *);

Addressing and Communication

  • net address = hw addr (4 byte) + app port
    • statically assigned hw address
    • no address resolution mechanism
  • byte 1: 0x00, 0xFF - reserved for broadcast
  • Can communicate through RE/AP or to neighbours
  • When debugging it is important to make sure the devices have addresses set :
    • Up to this point, no changes have been needed to any SimpliciTI source code or configuration files. The first device was built and programmed with “out-of-the-box” settings. In order to build another LinkTo device for this sample application, one change must be made to the smpl_config.dat file. Each SimpliciTI device must have a unique address – the address shown below is the one that was used for the first LinkTo device. Before building another device, change the value of THIS_DEVICE_ADDRESS – the first byte is suggested, like, from 0x78 to 0x87.


  • Can be done using the "Unconnected User Datagram" protocol
  • Still uses links but it's a special reserved link that everyone can send/listen on
  • Need to remember to switch the receiving node into RX mode, not done by default as uses lots of power!

Additional Details (Potential Problems)

  • minimal hw abstraction
  • no driver support (UART, SPI, LCD, Timers)
  • no heap utilization
  • no runtime context storage
  • simple thread, no tasks or scheduling
  • nwk api is synchronous
  • retries and acks must be managed by app
  • "The SimpliciTI API should not be considered thread-safe or re-entrant"
  • No routing mechanism is supported, only works by the addresses given to the devices

Development Tools


smplStatus_t  nwk_nwkInit(uint8_t (*)(linkID_t));
connInfo_t   *nwk_getNextConnection(void);
void          nwk_freeConnection(connInfo_t *);
uint8_t       nwk_getNextClientPort(void);
connInfo_t   *nwk_getConnInfo(linkID_t port);
connInfo_t   *nwk_isLinkDuplicate(uint8_t *, uint8_t);
uint8_t       nwk_findAddressMatch(mrfiPacket_t *);
smplStatus_t  nwk_checkConnInfo(connInfo_t *, uint8_t);
uint8_t       nwk_isConnectionValid(mrfiPacket_t *, linkID_t *);
uint8_t       nwk_allocateLocalRxPort(uint8_t, connInfo_t *);
uint8_t       nwk_isValidReply(mrfiPacket_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
connInfo_t   *nwk_findPeer(addr_t *, uint8_t);
smplStatus_t  nwk_NVObj(ioctlAction_t, ioctlNVObj_t *);
uint8_t       nwk_checkAppMsgTID(appPTid_t, appPTid_t);
void          nwk_getNumObjectFromMsg(void *, void *, uint8_t);
void          nwk_putNumObjectIntoMsg(void *, void *, uint8_t);
sfInfo_t     *nwk_getSFInfoPtr(void);
uint8_t       nwk_saveJoinedDevice(mrfiPacket_t *);
connInfo_t   *nwk_findAlreadyJoined(mrfiPacket_t *);