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  \operatorname{erfc}(x) =
  \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_x^{\infty} e^{-t^2}\,dt =
  \frac{e^{-x^2}}{x\sqrt{\pi}}\sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n \frac{(2n)!}{n!(2x)^{2n}}

Jane K Hart is a Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Southampton UK. She has a BSc in Physical Geography from the [University of Reading] and a PhD in Glaciology from the [University of East Anglia]. She was Lecturer in Physical Geography at the [University of Manchester](1988-89).

Jane Hart's research is in Glacial sedimentology and Glaciology, and in particular looking at the formation of till (glacial sediments), glaciotectonics and links between subglacial processes and climate change.Her research has been at numerous modern day glaciers from Iceland, Greenland, Svalbard, Norway and Alaska; as well as Quaternary (Ice Age) sediments from Norfolk, Wales, Ireland, Germany, USA and New Zealand.

She has also been active in the field of Environmental Sensor Networks which are wireless sensor networks for studying/monitoring the environment, particularly in relation to glaciers and climate change (Glacsweb project). This research featured on BBC technology news and the BBC's News.

Jane is the co-founder of the series of conferences on Environmental Sensor Networks at the [American Geophysical Union].


  • Wiley Prize (1991) - for best paper published in the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
  • European Academic Software Award prize winner (1998) - for the CD-ROM Glacial Analysis published by Routledge.

National and International activities

  • Editorial Board - Journal of Glaciology 2004 - 2012
  • President of the British Branch of the [International Glaciological Society] 1997-1999.
  • President of Geology Section of British Association for the Advance of Science 2006-2007
  • President of Geological Society of Norfolk 2012-2013
  • Chair of "Funds for Women Graduates" Awards Committee 2012-

Key Publications

  • Hart JK, Rose KC, Waller RI, Vaughan-Hirsch D & Martinez K. 2011: Assessing the catastrophic break up of Briksdalsbreen, Norway, associated with rapid climate change. J. Geol. Society of London 168 1–16.
  • Hart JK, Rose KC & Martinez K 2011: Subglacial till behaviour derived from in situ wireless multi-sensor subglacial probes: Rheology, hydro-mechanical interactions and till formation. Quat. Sci.Rev.30 234-247.
  • Hart JK, Rose KC & Martinez K 2011:Temporal englacial and subglacial water variability associated with a rapidly retreating glacier. Earth Surface Processes & Landforms 36 1230–1239.
  • Hart JK, Rose KC, Martinez K & Ong R 2009:Subglacial clast behaviour and its implication for till fabric development: new results derived from wireless subglacial probe experiments. QSR 28 597-607.
  • Rose KC, Hart JK & Martinez K 2009: Seasonal changes in basal conditions at Briksdalsbreen, Norway: the winter–spring transition. Boreas 38 579-590.
  • Hart JK & Martinez K 2006: Environmental Sensor Networks: A revolution in the Earth System Science? Earth Science Reviews 78,177-191.
  • Hart JK, Martinez K, Ong R, Riddoch A, Rose K & Padhy P 2006: An autonomous multi-sensor subglacial probe: Design and preliminary results from Briksdalsbreen, Norway. Journal of Glaciology 52 389 – 397.
  • Martinez K, Hart JK & Ong R 2004: Environmental Sensor Networks. Computer 37 (8), 50-56.
  • Hart JK 1997: The relationship between drumlins and other forms of subglacial def. QSR 16 93-108.
  • Hart JK 1995: An investigation of the deforming layer/debris-rich ice continuum, illustrated from three Alaskan glaciers. Journal of Glaciology 41 619-633.
  • Hart JK 1994: Till fabric associated with deformable beds. Earth Surf. Proc. & Land. 19 15-32.
  • Hart JK & Roberts DH 1994: Criteria to distinguish between subglacial glaciotectonic and glaciomarine sedimentation: I - Deformational styles and sedimentology. Sed. Geology 91 191-214.
  • Hart JK & Boulton GS 1991: The interrelationship between glaciotectonic deformation and glaciodeposition. Quaternary Science Reviews 10 335-350.
  • Hart JK, Hindmarsh RCA & Boulton GS 1990: Different styles of subglacial glaciotectonic deformation in the context of the Anglian ice sheet. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 15 227-242.

external links and references
