Wais Lab sensors
From Glacsweb Wiki
The Zolertia Z1 nodes have an external Temperature/humidity sensor - and are deployed around the labs in Building 32.
Currently they run a Coap client over 6LowPAN.
The code for the nodes/server are on https://github.com/wais-lab-sensors
A script on wsn.ecs fetcher.py runs the Java Coap code to GET the sensor readings.
There is a nice fetcher.ini which sets the defaults:
prefix="2001:630:d0:f202:c30c:0:0:" database_config="./db.ini" timeout = 15 retries = 5
the db.ini sets the database name, user/pass etc
A web view of the data is here: http://wsn.ecs.soton.ac.uk/wais-sensors
The Border Router (2001:630:d0:f202:c30c::128f) is connected to wais-6lowpan